Ryan Bevins profile picture

Ryan Bevins

A personal campaign sponsored by Ryan Bevins

Support Me

Welcome to my CURE for IBD personal fundraising page!

As you may know, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2014 when I was 9 years old. I was not only suffering from stomach aches and fatigue, but I was not growing well due to malnutrition either. When I found out I had Crohn's, it made me sad and angry at the same time. I wondered what it meant for my future and if I would have to give up the things I love. I started to take medication only to have a reaction 8 months later and start all over with new medicine again. It took another 5 months before I was feeling well. I have now gone through this cycle multiple times and have had several changes to medication since then. I realize that medication and blood work will always be a regular part of my life. Unfortunately, with IBD you can go into a flare out of nowhere and fight it for months. I have learned I can only take one day at a time and do my best to move forward. While I have days that I have to lay low and conserve my energy, I also have days I pursue my dreams. I spent three summers racing go karts and used my time at the track to raise awareness about IBD. The summer of 2018 I decided to try something new and started racing trucks. It was hard work learning something new, but I pushed forward and tried my best. It was a learning season, but I loved it, so I went back for more racing for the 2019 season. I am happy to say 2019 brought me two 1st place finishes which allowed me to share about CURE for IBD in victory lane!

2020 brought a lot of changes for everyone with the arrival of COVID. I, like many others with an autoimmune disorder, had to be extra careful and avoid crowds to try to stay healthy. Therefore, I participated in school virtually for my sophomore year of high school and stopped racing but, I continued to do what I could to raise awareness from home.

I was hopeful that 2021 would be the end of COVID but unfortunately that was not the case. On the positive, I was able to get vaccinated and return to school in person. I decided to try something new and entered the CAWD (Computer Animation and Web Design) program at CTE (Center for Technology, Essex). It turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made. Drawing has always been something I enjoyed doing but now I was able to turn my art into animation. While the school year was one of the best, I struggled with fatigue and discovered a few months in that it was more than my usual fatigue, I was iron deficient. Thankfully, after four iron infusions I was back to my “normal” and completed a successful junior year.

August 2022, I entered my senior year returning to CTE for CAWD 2 with plans to apply to college to pursue a career in computer animation. I am looking forward to having another successful year.

Due to my medication for Crohn’s, I am still very cautious when in crowds and continue to mask when I feel it is necessary. I am no longer racing myself, but I enjoy going to the races with my dad and cheering on other teams.

Since my diagnosis I have discovered that I am not alone in this battle and there are many other people who suffer from IBD. Therefore, I decided to make a difference in the fight against Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis by raising awareness and coordinating events to promote my fundraiser for CURE for IBD! I share my story here as I want other people with IBD to know that while IBD may slow you down you can still follow your dreams. I have been so fortunate to be able to race go-karts and trucks and learn about computer animation. I am look forward to college and seeing what my future holds!

CURE for IBD was founded on the belief that if more funds are allocated to research, new treatments and cures will be found sooner.  For many people, this can't happen quickly enough.

I am very proud to say that 100% of all donations I receive will be allocated directly to IBD research.  CURE for IBD will not use any of these funds for overhead, administrative, or event expenses.

I can't thank you enough for your support.  Your generosity brings hope not only to me but for so many people who suffer from these diseases.

Thank you!


The mission of CURE for IBD is to fund research towards new therapies and cures for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. CURE for IBD was founded by parents who have dedicated themselves to finding cures for their children and everyone else living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. CURE for IBD does not pay any participant event or travel expenses, and only funds research with the goal of finding cures sooner.

Over 1.6 million Americans (1 in 200) are affected by Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, insidious and debilitating diseases in which the immune system attacks the digestive system. These are life-long chronic conditions that often result in extended hospital stays and the need for multiple surgeries over a person's lifetime. Crohn's and ulcerative colitis, along with many of the medications used to manage IBD, lead to an increased risk of cancer and other conditions. Complications can be life-threatening or fatal.
Children are the fastest-growing population being diagnosed, sometimes before the age of 1, and their symptoms are often more severe.

